Music Education has always been the hardest for me to figure out. I had a semester of guitar in college and played around with learning but never stuck it out. I taught myself how to plunk out some notes on the piano but again never practiced or was really serious about learning. I had a horrible music teacher in elementary school who just taught us to sing by ear and didn't teach us how to read notes. Then in middle school and high school I was in the choir but faked my way through most of it. I would like my children to understand music and I might as well learn with them. We are currently fortunate enough to be renting a house with a piano in it so I decided to start there. I ended up buying the first two books in this series:

Bastien Piano Basics: Piano Primer Level (Primer Level, WP 200)

Bastien Piano Basics Level 1 - Piano
I also purchased the theory books for each level. So far I am happy with how my children are doing on the lessons in the primer level - they are simple but progress quickly.
Mainly, I go over a new concept with my children and then have been letting them practice on their own as they have desire as we progress and as fall comes I will plan times in the day for them to practice. I hope to finish the primer level by the New Year then move onto level 1.
Eventually I may hire a teacher that knows what they are doing but for now this is working.
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